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Injuries during the Grooming Process

This is not a common occurrence and one that should be avoided at all cost. Each salon will have their own way of dealing with accidents. Honesty and a prompt response is key here.

Accidents occur, it happens to the best of us. A dog moves unexpectedly, we miss-judge an area or the scissors slip. It can be highly distressing for the dog, owner and groomer but it is not the end of the world if it is handled correctly.

Transparency is everything. If a dog is injured in your care, is bitten by another dog or whatever the event may be, call the owner immediately. Have your procedure manual close by so you can follow your emergency procedure should you need it.


  • Attend to the dog, make sure it is comfortable. In the event of a bleed, stem the bleed with clean cloth or bandage and apply pressure

  • Keep calm and make sure all staff are OK

  • Call the owner and make them aware of the situation. Ask for permission to take the dog to a vet clinic. This information should already exist on your pre-grooming consultation form, along with the owner’s emergency contact number for the day of grooming

  • Secure all other dogs and leave a staff member in charge

  • Take the dog to the owner’s vet or one pre-arranged

  • Stay with the dog until the owner arrives or the dog is ready to be discharged

  • Deal with the owner, assure them it was an accident

  • Once the dog has been attended to either continue the clip or finish the clip at a more appropriate time

This is worst case scenario. If the dog does not require a vet, always let the owner know you have injured a dog. They will have more respect for you and be better equipped to manage the dog at home.

Dealing with a dog that is not used to being groomed can be a real challenge. Dealing with this situation at the admission stage is much essential. Make the owner aware that the dog may find the process difficult and while all care is taken, accidents can happen.

You may need to put in place a policy around sub-contractors and employees who injure dogs.


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