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The Importance of Good Rest

We’re not talking about sleep, but real rest. Sleep doesn't always make us feel rested. Rest comes in many different forms.

Did you know there are 7 types of rest?

According to Dr Saundra Dalton, TED talker and the author of 'Sacred Rest - Recover your Life, Renew your Energy, Restore your Sanity', it’s true!

Have a look and see how you think you might fare in this mix - are you getting enough rest in these areas?

Physical Rest - resting your body! Are you getting 7-9 hours of good sleep a day? If you are, are you looking after your body by stretching or doing Yoga? A massage is a great way to unwind from a busy day or to loosen up tight muscles.

Mental Rest - Give your brain a break! Find ways to relieve those racing or nagging thoughts. Mediation, walking or listening to music can be good ways to give your mind a rest.

Emotional Rest - Be honest about how you feel! Saying 'no' is OK. Give yourself a break from being emotionally available. Let others in and allow time for yourself.

Social Rest - Introverts and extroverts will think about this differently! Some people love to relax in the company of friends or strangers, while others need space and time alone to process and reset. Are you making the time you need to rest socially?

Sensory Rest - Put the phone down Russell! Time to turn off the computer and Netflix and just be. Take a walk, climb a mountain, go for a swim or simply sit by the beach. Time to feel the sand or grass under your feet and turn to nature. We are surrounded by sensory overload and need to be strict with ourselves to get the balance right!

Creative Rest - Let the sun shine in! What is your creative passion? Nature, painting, jigsaws, whatever floats your boat, get creative and spend time exploring your creativity.

Spiritual Rest - Connect with something that is bigger than you! Read a poem or piece of scripture, listen to a song that moves you. Connect with a different energy or vibration.

(You can watch Dr Saundra’s 10 minute TED Talk here)

Sounds like a full time job hey? But, being unrested can lead to confusion, restlessness, unsatisfaction and then the dreaded BURNOUT.

Sadly, most of us are coming from a place of some sort of exhaustion. Rest can give us back the clarity and confidence we need to live our best lives.

Are you producing your best work?

Are you being the best friend, groomer, boss, lover, Mother, Father or person you can be? Identifying which specific rest areas you can improve on may help you more than you think.

Dog groomers often hold a great deal of stress both physical and emotional. Physical and emotional resting might be just what we need!

What areas of your life leave you most drained?

How can you implement more time for rest? This can be a vicious circle. How many times have you gone to bed early and woken up exhausted? We need to get the balance right and identify what areas of our lives need the most rest.

Try taking this quiz to help you identify where you could improve. Note that igroomhub has no affiliation with this quiz provider, and you will have to hand over an email address to get your results, but it’s a bit of an eye opener!

Take the Quiz

Once you have identified the rest you need, it is time to prioritise your needs. Give yourself permission to put yourself first.

Rest is not about sitting on the couch watching Netflix. In order to replenish your energy, you could schedule restorative activities in your daily routine. Take a nap, visit a gallery, cook a meal for a friend, turn the phone off, start a painting, take a bush walk, laugh and invest in yourself! If it feeds your soul, it’s the way to go. Balance!


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