Tails, Under 2 Minutes, Tips, Blending Lines - Clipping Body, Scissoring Legs, Curly Coat Where and how to clip the body when your groom style involves a clippered body with scissored legs. You can watch Alicia’s whole tutorial here. Previous Shaping the head with curved thinners Next Using Vetwrap on an Injury You Might Also Like Using band scissors Clipped or Stripped? Setting in Flares on a Yorkie Why the Wire? Shaping the front leg - double coated dog
Tails, Under 2 Minutes, Tips, Blending Lines - Clipping Body, Scissoring Legs, Curly Coat Where and how to clip the body when your groom style involves a clippered body with scissored legs. You can watch Alicia’s whole tutorial here. Previous Shaping the head with curved thinners Next Using Vetwrap on an Injury You Might Also Like Using band scissors Clipped or Stripped? Setting in Flares on a Yorkie Why the Wire? Shaping the front leg - double coated dog
Blending Lines - Clipping Body, Scissoring Legs, Curly Coat
Where and how to clip the body when your groom style involves a clippered body with scissored legs. You can watch Alicia’s whole tutorial here.
Shaping the head with curved thinners
Using Vetwrap on an Injury
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