Spring and Itchy Skin

Why do dogs get itchy in Spring?

Just as humans sneeze, scratch and have itchy eyes during spring, so do dogs. The pollens that are released during spring can trigger all kinds of reactions in dogs.

When it rains, pollen falls to the ground. Dogs often inhale pollen on walks, and it can stick to their feet and coat. Airborne pollen from wind can also affect dogs.

A dog that scratches during Spring may not necessarily be allergic to pollens. Always check for other contributing factors such as fleas, ticks, bites, or food allergies. 

How to help a dog with itchy skin

There are many topical remedies for itchy skin. For many years, oatmeal has been used to sooth and combat itchy skin. Coconut oil, camomile and many other natural remedies exist for itchy skin.

If you have a dog with itchy skin, regular bathing in a soothing or medicated shampoo will help the dog. It is important to put moisture back into the coat to enrich the follicle, support and nourish the dermis and sebum. Leaving conditioner on the coat for 5-10 minutes will aid this.  

It is important to remember we are not Vets

As well as topical baths and sprays, there are valuable supplements to help with itchy skin. Our role as a groomer is to identify what is normal and report to owners what is not normal. By being a mouthpiece for the dog, we can ensure the dog gets the right treatment by recommending a Vet visit. We cannot diagnose; however, we can let owners know that something may not be right with their dog.

Topical creams and shampoos to aid itchy skin

Blackmores PAW brand have a great range of skin and health support for dogs. We have a link to their online training portal on the site. Shampoos such as Malaseb, Aloveen, Pyohex and many more are commonly available and can help in the right situation. Read the label carefully to ensure both you and the dog are safe.




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