Dog Groomers Operations and Resources Blog
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Blown Away? More Like Stressed Out – The HV Dryer Trend Needs to Stop
Videos are popping up showing dogs biting, snapping, flinching, and pulling away—stressed out and trying to escape while an HV dryer is aimed straight at their face. And yet, somehow, they’re being framed as funny.
Body Pain, No Gain
When does body pain jump (albeit achingly) out of the ‘just-part-of-the-job’ category and into something we should be genuinely concerned about long-term?
The Hangover - Christmas Edition
The holiday hangover is real, relentless, and if we’re honest… a bit of a cold-hearted b*tch! But with our big-girl pants on, let’s dive into why the feels are hitting like a rogue mat in a fluffy coat: it’s not you—it’s January.
How to Choose the Dog Grooming Course That’s Right for You
Choosing the right training course can feel like trawling through Netflix—so many options, and you’re not sure which one’s worth your time. In an unregulated industry, the choices are endless, but not all courses provide the same level of education or experience.
Why Every Dog Groomer Should Invest in Ongoing Education: Stay Sharp, Stay Competitive, and Keep Learning
So you’ve completed your course, learned the trade, and have been grooming for a few years now. All that’s left is to keep working, right?
Human Connection
Dog Groomers' schedules don't always allow for deep, meaningful conversations, but there are still small, impactful ways we can boost our human connections throughout the day.
Olympic Clippers: When Poodle Grooming Was an Official Sport
Discover the surprising story of how poodle grooming became an Olympic event.
What is the Best Way to Train New Staff?
Whether you prefer the flexible, choose-your-own-adventure style of an igroomhub salon membership or the structured, deep-dive approach of igroomschool, investing in your team's education is the key to grooming greatness!
How to Avoid Anxiety Transferrance when you are Grooming
The ‘Anxiety’ album includes hit tracks from bands such as the German Shepherds, the Border Collies and the Labrador Retrievers.
How to Up-skill in Dog Grooming at Home
Before you shout at your computer screens, “But igroomhub, there are only so many hours in a workday!” we want to let you know that we absolutely understand this, and we hear you!
A Culture of Learning: The Importance of Education in Small Dog Grooming Businesses
Why education is the cornerstone of success for small dog grooming businesses.
“Why Does My Dog’s Haircut Cost More Than My Own?”
A perfectly acceptable response in verse. Add interpretive dance for full effect.
How To Get The Haircut You Want for Your Dog at the Groomers
Understanding how to communicate effectively with your dog groomer is crucial
Great Southern Groomers Convention Wrap
Nat’s back from Albany and the Great Southern Groomers Convention where she spoke on the Ethics of Dog Grooming.
Can I use Human Shampoo on my Dog?
A stinky pooch and no doggy shampoo is not a fun place to be, so what is safe to use instead?
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Groom a Dog at Home Like a Pro
A brief, broad rundown of the basic techniques
The Importance of Maintaining Hygiene when Dog Grooming: How Do You Clean Dog Grooming Tools?
Ever wondered about the nitty-gritty of keeping your dog's grooming tools spick and span? Well, you're not alone.
Exactly WHO are our Clients?
We’re people pleasers and puppy pleasers, but how do we find a balance between the two? And more importantly, which comes first?

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
igroomhub is a learning platform for groomers of all skill levels, backgrounds, and career pathways
How can we help you?
Join our Membership platform for access to hundreds of dog grooming tutorials and courses from leading industry educators.
Essential resources, guides, information, and help for Australian Dog Grooming Business Owners, including coaching and staff training.
From free tutorials to a comprehensive home grooming online course, igroomdiy is here to help you strengthen your bond with your dog.
Courses for aspiring groomers, grooming school students, staff training, and professional development for the industry.