Border Terrier
A Border Terrier is a great dog to start on if you are new to hand stripping. Cute as they are, they don’t have too many furnishings or fancy things to worry about. Join Michelle and Figgy as they demonstrate correct and comfortable hand stripping techniques on a regularly groomed coat, to breed standard.
EQUIPMENT USED Stone, stripping knife, finger condoms, chalk, comb
PART 1 Equipment run down and hand stripping the body
PART 2 Hand stripping techniques on tail and legs
PART 3 How to strip and shape sensitive neck areas.
PART 4 The head study.
The Essential Guide to Hand Stripping is a comprehensive online course designed to teach you everything you need to know about Hand Stripping. Created in partnership with award winning groomer and judge Chuckie Lund, you can check it out at igroomschool.