
The Consultation

When a dog arrives for grooming, the following questions will need to be asked of the owner (noting that this is for a brand new client – you can store most of this information in a database).

  • How old is the dog?

  • Has the dog been professionally groomed before?

  • Is the dog vaccinated?

Does the dog have ANY health issues? – Heart murmur, pancreatitis, skin issues etc. It’s a good idea to check this question each time the dog comes into your care, as their needs and health can change quite quickly.

Does the dog have any behavioural issues? Maybe he cannot mix with other dogs or cannot be crated.

Can the dog be given treats?

What type of haircut do you want? – This is key. Identifying what the owner wants done and what is achievable in a humane setting will determine the outcome of the groom.

Is there any part of the grooming process the dog does not enjoy? – If nails, leave them towards the end of the groom, if it is the drying process, you may need to consider how you approach the groom, and getting as much as you can done before the bath may be an option.

Examine the dog’s skin. Run your hands over the dog; look and feel for any ‘abnormal’ signs, lumps, bumps or sores. if nothing is obvious, ask the client if their dog has any skin issues so you can work out which shampoo is best for the skin and coat type. Gently lift the dog’s lip to assess the mouth and teeth.

Lastly, placing the dog on the ground and letting the dog walk freely is best practice as you can quickly assess the dog’s gait and behaviour.



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