Work Life Balance
“It must be so much fun playing with dogs all day!” - said everyone who isn’t in the industry. Because the blatant truth is that this job is taxing on mind, body and soul. Sure, there are rewards but that doesn’t always outweigh the costs. It’s imperative that we look after health for both longevity in the industry as well as our quality of life! It's easy to throw out these thoughts, but how exactly do we do it? Here’s 5 (well, 6 really) helpful tips to help you maintain a healthy work life balance as a dog groomer.
Negative ions = positive vibes!
MASKS! Our respiratory systems are an unfortunate bystander in our career choice but one that often cops the brunt of said choice.
ME TIME! You’re allowed a little bit of time to celebrate yourself. In fact, you’re allowed a lot of time to celebrate yourself, but schedule permitting we’ll settle for a little. Whether it’s a massage, a hot bath or a Pilates class, just know you deserve it!
LEARN TO SAY NO Refusing service can sometimes hit a sore note, because we all know dogs need grooming! But if there is any chance of said dogs causing you harm or fear then you’re allowed to say no.
ASK FOR HELP It can be confronting to admit you need help but it isn’t a sign of weakness in the slightest, in fact, it’s a sign of strength!
NETWORK There are plenty of people in your industry that have been in whatever position you might be finding yourself in and they have so much advice to give!
Last but not least, IGROOMHUB. We don’t want to pump our own tyres, but we are a really kind and friendly bunch with a whole lot of time for you. Ask us questions, tell us what you want to see in our content, tag us in your posts so we can congratulate your great work! Everything we do is made by groomers – for groomers, we’re here to support you!