4. Bathing at Home Part 1 - Prep

Bathing your Dog - Prep

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies ready. This includes your dog's shampoo, mixing bottles for dilution, chamois or towels, bath mat, suction cup, grooming noose, and any additional items like cotton wool for the ears.

Step 2: Prepare Shampoo and Conditioner Dilution

If you're using a concentrated dog shampoo that needs dilution, use a mixing bottle to create the proper dilution. Add the required amount of water into the bottle, usually following the instructions on the shampoo label. Then, fill the rest of the bottle with shampoo and shake it well to mix the shampoo and water thoroughly. The ProGroom dilution chart is attached here for your reference.

Step 3: Prepare Chamois

If you're using a chamois to dry your dog, especially if it's a new one, it may be stiff. To soften it and remove any excess color that could potentially stain your dog's coat, soak the chamois in water. This will make it more pliable and ready for use.

Step 4: Set Up the Bathing Area

Prepare the bathing area by placing a bath mat inside the bathtub or wherever you plan to bathe your dog. This helps your dog maintain traction on slippery surfaces.

Step 5: Secure Your Dog

Using a grooming noose, secure your dog in the bath area. Depending on your dog's size and behavior, you can place the noose around the neck or under the belly and around a shoulder. Securing your dog is essential to ensure their safety during the bath.

Step 6: Check Water Temperature

Before starting the bath, check the water temperature. Ensure it's comfortably warm, similar to what you would use for a human bath. Test it with your hand to make sure it's not too hot or too cold.

Step 7: Accessible Water

If your faucet has an extension or if you have a handheld showerhead, this can help you reach all areas of your dog more easily. If not, have a container or bowl handy to pour water over your dog during the bath.

Step 8: Have Towels Ready

Keep a clean and dry towel nearby to use after the bath. This will help you dry your dog thoroughly and keep them warm.

Step 9: Ear Protection (Optional)

If you're new to bathing dogs or want to prevent water from entering your dog's ears, you can place a small amount of cotton wool in their ears. This should be done carefully and gently.


3. Brushing your Dog's Head


5. Bathing at Home Part 2 - The Process