1. Brushing your Dog's Body and Legs

Brushing the Body and Legs

Effective grooming between salon appointments is crucial to prevent knots and tangles in your dog's coat. For this, you'll need a slicker brush and a comb. The slicker brush is your first line of defense against tangles. Remember, it's not just about brushing over the top; you need to reach the skin. Follow the "line brushing" technique. Lift the hair from the bottom of the foot, use a hooking motion, and brush away from the skin. Check your progress from the front. The goal is to straighten the hair down to the skin. Afterward, run a metal comb through the coat to ensure it's thoroughly detangled. A comb should slide through at a 45-degree angle.


You can grab a slicker, comb and a detangling spray in the Pupper Prep DIY Kit.


2. Brushing your Dog's Tail


3. Brushing your Dog's Head