3. Brushing your Dog's Head

Brushing the Head

The head, especially around the ears, needs regular brushing to prevent tangles and mats. Use the slicker brush and employ the "line brushing" technique. Be gentle and patient, ensuring you don't brush in the same spot for too long to avoid brush burn. If knots are tight, use your fingers to gently work them apart. Consider using a detangling spray, but protect your dog's eyes when applying it. Comb through the head's hair to confirm it's knot-free. Pay attention to the skin-contact with the comb. If knots persist, clipping may be necessary, especially behind the ears. See the 'Post Bath Brush and Comb' lecture for details of how to do that safely.


You can grab the slicker, comb and spray in the Pupper Prep DIY Kit


1. Brushing your Dog's Body and Legs