⏺️ Microbites

It’s like igroomhub express! When you only have a short amount of time to grab a bite of knowledge.

  • Chalking the legs on a Miniature Schnauzer

    Chalking the legs on a Miniature Schnauzer

    Alicia shows how to use cholesterol cream and chalk to help prep Karlos’ legs to achieve a fuller look.

  • Top Notch Top Knot Top Tips

    Top Notch Top Knot Top Tips

    Where better to get a top knot tutorial than from The Poodle Groomer herself?

  • Column legs

    Column legs

    10 minutes of scissoring column legs on a Havanese with Nicky. You can watch the whole tutorial set here, with Jess on Asian Fusion and Nicky on a Pet Style on these ex show dogs.

  • Changing a turning lever

    Changing a turning lever

    You can easily DIY this task. Dale from Heiniger takes Nat through the process. Save yourself some money!

  • Line Brushing Masterclass

    Line Brushing Masterclass

    The why, when and how of line brushing. Products, tools and techniques that will have you mastering this skill in no time.

  • Line Brushing Tools and Techniques

    Line Brushing Tools and Techniques

    With a perfectly prepped dog, Colleen shows you the tools and techniques of line brushing step by step on an Aussie Shepherd. This information can be transferred to any thick double coat - Samoyeds, Chow Chows etc.

    You can watch the whole tutorial set here.

  • Golden Retriever Tail Set

    Golden Retriever Tail Set

    How to achieve a stylish tail set on a Golden Retriever. Which tools to use, and simple rules for trimming.

    You can watch more Golden Retriever goodness here.

  • Balancing the Shih Tzu Cross Head Style with Ocky and Sue Wright

    Balancing the Shih Tzu Cross Head Style with Ocky and Sue Wright

    After using a light purple extension on the body, Sue speaks about the importance of balance in the groom considering Ocky has a small head. This style is somewhere between a round head and a teddy head.
    Check out the full video here