It’s like igroomhub express! When you only have a short amount of time to grab a bite of knowledge.
It’s like igroomhub express! When you only have a short amount of time to grab a bite of knowledge.
Join Alicia as she demonstrates how to use the #50 with precision and care to clip the ears, face and neck on Prince.
You can see all of Michelle and Lucius’ Puppy Bath and Tidy tutorial here.
Chuckie explains how to hold and work the Griffon head. Cec’sfull tutorial is available in the Pet Styling section under Group 1 Toys.
Scissoring wide-set, long ears can be a challenge! Fudge is such a funny little creature with her big ears and big tail - she totally rocks it! You can see the whole Fudge tutorial here.
Jess hangs Fudge’s tail over the table making this process more comfortable for her. You can see the whole Fudge tutorial here. Big ears and a big tail for this little senior mixed breed. You can watch Fudge’s full groomer here, in the Straight of Drop Coat section of the Mixed Breeds collection.
Jess sets in Kenji’s little muzzle. You can watch the whole tutorial in the Group 1 Pet Styling section.
Chuckie demonstrates on a dog with an arthritic foot the best way to maximize efficiency on a pad trim for the comfort of the dog.
Alicia’s tips for blending your clipper work when using a short blade (in this case, a#6FW)
Charge extra with this little tip from Michelle
This is part of our DIY course for owners wishing to learn to groom their own dog safely at home. Just in case you need a recap!
Chuckie Lund shows you inside her salon where she works alone. She shares her setup and favourite tools for working solo. The rest of Chuckie’s tips can be found in the Groomer Health section of the Groomerverse.
A very quick recap. See the detailed lecture here.
Michelle talks to us about identifying if a coat has been stripped or clipped in the past. Do you know the difference? See more about hand stripping here.
Michelle works with Alfie and his particular quirks to achieve a cute Shih Tzu face. You can watch the whole tutorial here.
Brulee and Tay show you the best way to scissor a rear hock on a Standard Poodle. You can watch the whole tutorial here.
Alicia demonstrates the famous ‘brick’ head on Apollo. You can watch the whole pet styling tutorial → Group 2 Terriers, Pet Styling.
Setting up teddy legs for scissoring when clipping the body. You can watch the whole tutorial here.
Alicia and Leelo go through Leelo’s makeup bag and show you all their little show prep secrets!
Do you know how loud your HV dryer is? Understand more important WHS aspects in our Induction Course for Dog Groomers.
The whole Humphrey tutorial is worth watching if you have an anxious, aggressive and or medicated dog to groom. Here’s a little snippet focussing on the front legs, and how to body block to reduce the chance of being bitten.
Some owners love short clipped ears for their sporty little dogs. Here’s a step by step from Nicky.
Clipper choice, handling and extra tips for when you need to tackle the eyes on a grumpy customer. You can see more challenging grooming situations here.
Learn this essential skill with Kim, Nat and Astro. You can watch the whole First Aid video here.
Learn this essential skill with Kim, Nat and Astro. You can watch the whole First Aid video here.
Allison shows you how to move your body to get the best scissoring results. This and more tips can be found in the Advanced Techniques section of the Groomerverse, Scissoring Techniques for Success
Nat takes you through all the steps for the end of day clean down. You can learn more about baths, bathing, and cleaning in our Bathing and Drying Section on the Before You Start page. This tutorial also forms part of our Bathing unit in the Bather Brusher Skill Set
Allison Foley explains how the Continental Trim should fit on the skeleton of the poodle. You can see more Continental Trim tutorials in our Everything Poodle section.
Beautiful clipper work on this German Trim. You can watch the whole tutorial set here.
Tay demonstrates how to take special care of these longboyz! Handy tips for carrying and moving them, grooming angles and techniques. You can watch the whole Dachshund tutorial here.
Knowing these two types of feet will cover you for 90% of dogs you groom!
Perfect Border Collie Feet! Grab your Curves.
You can watch more Border Collie tutorials here