Client Communication Best Practices

In this series of videos, Colleen and Tay take us back to year 10 drama class! This is a fun way to look at how we educate and manage customers and their expectations.


Managing expectations around matting

As groomers, it is up to us to educate our clients. If you are admitting a dog with matting, it is best practice to have a matting form on hand. This form points out the discomfort the dog may be feeling, the difficulty a groomer has safely removing the coat, a price indicator and care information when the dog is sent home.

Matting needs to be taken seriously. It can be very painful for a dog to have matting in areas that are high friction or cause general discomfort. Sometimes explaining this takes time, patience, and a great deal of expertise for the customer to understand the severity of the situation of a matted dog. Some customers will be resistant to a shave down, it is up to us to educate and work with the client to get the best result for the dog.


When dop-off communication goes wrong!

It is not always our fault! In this video Tay and Colleen work through a drop-off miscommunication. It is important to note that all communication should be clear, concise, and easily understood.


On pick-up

This video has a lot of information. Be mindful of how much time each customer has. Always read the situation before giving over too much information. In this video, Colleen explains why the dog was taken short, how to avoid it for future grooms, what brushes are needed and how to best manage the dog after the groom. igroomhub brochures house a great deal of information and have been designed for you to give to customers.


Aggressive clients

Again, this is over dramatized, but not uncommon. A lot of customers get very angry, short, and irritated. Managing customer expectations is everything. A well-trained groomer can navigate the trickiest of situations by sticking to the facts. At times, it is difficult not to react to clients like this. De-briefing at the end of the day with a friend or work colleague can be very helpful!


Your dog has fleas


Here Colleen talks through how we manage a dog with fleas once the dog has been admitted. Again, this is to demonstrate the importance of client communication. Do you have a flea policy in your grooming salon?




The Case for Efficiency


Work Attire